Accessing Files from Your Dashboard Home Page

You can customize your Dashboard Home page to display several Document-specific panes. These panes allow you to access files stored in Document without having to open Document first. The Document panes you can add are as follows:

  • Checked out files. Lists the files that are currently checked out.
  • Entity file lookup. Allows you to search for files for a specific entity.
  • File discussion. Lists files that have discussions associated with them.
  • Files pending approval. Lists files submitted by clients to their portal that require your approval before they can be published. This option is available only if you license CCH Axcess Portal.
  • Recently accessed files. Lists the files that you have accessed most recently.
  • Task assignment. Lists files for which you have tasks or for which you have assigned tasks to other people.

Most of these panes correspond with a Document Central grid. You can perform the same tasks on these panes that you would perform in the corresponding Document Central grid, such as checking out or locking files. The one pane that does not have a corresponding grid in Document Central is the Entity file lookup pane. Instructions for using this grid are included below.

Add a Document Pane to the Dashboard Home Page

Note: The procedure below describes the general process for adding a pane to your Dashboard Home page. For more detailed instructions on customizing your Home page, see the Customizing Panes topic in the Dashboard Help.

  1. In Dashboard, select Home on the navigation panel.
  2. Right-click the Dashboard and select Add Pane.
  3. Select a pane to add.
  4. Click OK.

How to Use the Entity File Lookup Pane

After adding the Entity file lookup pane to Dashboard, use the following procedure to find files for a specific entity:

  1. In Dashboard, select Home on the navigation panel.
  2. In the Entity file lookup pane, select an entity type from the list in the top left corner of the pane.

    Note: If you select Firm as the entity type, the list of files for the firm displays in the grid, and you can skip to step 4. For other entity types, continue with step 3.

  3. In the box at the top right of the pane, begin typing the name of the entity you want to view files for. As you type, the system displays entities that are possible matches for your entry. Select the correct entity from the list that displays.

Once you select an entity, a list of files for the entity displays in the grid. You can now perform the same tasks with these files that you can perform on other grids in Document.